Family Law Firm Serving Houston, Clear Lake and Galveston
Houston: (713) 294-7072 Webster: (281) 218-0900
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Alimony in Texas, also known as spousal maintenance, may be agreed upon by you and your spouse, or awarded by the judge in your divorce case. Unlike child support, spousal maintenance is not required by law. Therefore, if you think you may need financial support after your divorce, or think your spouse may ask for it, you need an experienced Houston alimony attorney to advocate for you, whether in settlement negotiations or before a judge.
At Stacey Valdez & Associates, we represent clients who receive spousal maintenance (obligees), as well as those who are required to pay (obligors). We are committed to making sure that whatever side of the alimony issue you are on, you have an outcome that is fair and just.
Although with alimony in Texas, you and your spouse can agree to any amount for any duration of time, for a court to award spousal maintenance, certain requirements must be met.
Spousal maintenance may be awarded in one of two situations. The first is when one spouse is found to have committed family violence against the other spouse or the spouse's child within the two years preceding the filing of the divorce, or during the divorce. The second situation in which a court may award spousal support is when one of the following three conditions exist:
Spousal maintenance payments are usually limited in duration, as their purpose is intended to provide for an obligee only until he or she is capable of becoming self-supporting. Whether you are a prospective obligor or obligee, Stacey Valdez & Associates will present the facts of your situation to the court in the light most favorable to your position. If your circumstances change after your divorce, we will represent you in an action to modify or enforce a spousal maintenance award.
Financial security is a significant issue for divorcing couples. The experienced family law attorneys at Stacey Valdez & Associates are dedicated to helping you preserve you financial well-being, whether that means advocating for you to receive the financial support you need, or ensuring that you are not compelled to pay an unreasonable spousal maintenance award.
We are very familiar with the Texas Family Code, with the family courts in the Houston area, and with the laws of alimony in Texas, with the experience to fight for you and the compassion to support you through your spousal maintenance or other family law matter. We invite you to contact us to call us at (713) 294-7072 so that we can help you secure the best possible financial future. Stacey Valdez & Associates are here to help you!
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